Issues of development of interregional relations with Kazakhstan discussed with leadership of city of Xi'an

21 April 2023, 12:28 673

Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Xi'an Zhoshykhan Kyraubayev met with Deputy Chairman of the People's Government of Shaanxi Province, Acting Mayor of Xi'an Ye Niuping.

Ye Niuping congratulated the Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan on his appointment and noted that his activities will contribute to the further strengthening of bilateral relations.

In turn, Zh. Kyraubayev said that he intends to make all his efforts and accumulated experience in this direction.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of intensifying cooperation in trade, economic, investment, transit and transport spheres and the development of tourism. The timeliness of the decision by the parties to establish direct flights between the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, and the historical capital of China, Xi'an from April 21, 2023, was noted with satisfaction.

For his part, Ye Niuping expressed his readiness to provide full support in the implementation of the issues brought up for discussion.

Following the meeting, the interlocutors agreed to maintain regular working contacts between the Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Government of Xi'an in order to progressively develop bilateral cooperation
