In the competence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

5 February 2018, 12:11 1182

The message of the President of the RK N.A. Nazarbayev "New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution".

The deputy akim of the region Igor Stesov, the chairmen of the ethno-cultural associations of the region, veterans, businessmen, representatives of the councils of public consent took part in the discussion. According to Igor Stesov, Kazakhstan is moving to a new stage of development by evolutionary way, and in the near future the main efforts of the work of Kazakhstanis will be focused on the ten main tasks identified by the President in the Address.

– This requires us not only competent work, but also awareness, changing ourselves and adapting to changing contemporary conditions. Today, a lot is being done in the region: elements of new technologies are being introduced in construction, design, and a course is taken to apply modern building materials. Thanks to this, our region has emerged as a leader in construction in the republic. Within the framework of the agreed arrangements on the Expo site with Finnish partners, we launch three new projects - the production of energy-efficient building materials for Finnish technologies, in the framework of the green economy the TBO polygon in Uralsk was transferred to the trust management of the consortium with partners from Finland, and the Finns are the world leaders in the utilization of solid domestic waste. Work is underway on the introduction of 3D-design in construction, - said the deputy akim of the region Igor Steks, who also spoke about the implementation of Uralsk powerful set of measures in the framework of the project «Smart city».

The chairman of the APK WKR youth wing, Igor Spiridonov, noted that in the Address, the Head of State speaks not only of the challenges of the new era, but also of the new opportunities that arise for Kazakhstani people in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. In particular, these are opportunities for applying innovative technologies in the business environment and developing potentially useful projects on a scientific basis. So I. Spiridonov told about the project on utilization of fixing X-ray apparatus and allocation of useful substance from it, projects on renewable energy sources, processing of food waste into biogas, for example, into methane, which can be used for heating.

- In connection with the holding of the Kazakhstan EXPO exhibition, the theme of technology, green economy and renewable energy sources has acquired a new sound. These projects not only open new opportunities for the use of innovations and technologies, but also mean ways to earn money, create jobs. And despite the fact that the implementation implies some time, the return on investment will be 100%. We need the support of people, entrepreneurs who are interested in this and who have their vision for the future. Developing an innovative approach, we will be together to perform instructions of the President, - said I. Spiridonov.

Deputy akim of the region Igor Stesov invited I. Spiridonov to make a presentation at the Council of Investors under the akim of the region, to discuss this issue with entrepreneurs and investors of the region.

Digital technologies have not bypassed the sphere of public service, since 2018 most public services will be translated into electronic format, and citizens can get them online without leaving home.

- It saves time not only citizens, but also to his employer, because they do not have to ask for leave from work in time to get the service, for example, in the PSC. In addition, it reduces administrative barriers and eliminates direct contact, which in turn minimizes corruption. Every citizen should remember that getting public services in an electronic format, thus it contributes to the fight against corruption, not only in our region but in the country, - said the representative of the regional department of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption Birjan Khairullin.

Also in support of the President's Address were the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Khamza Safin, the leaders of ethno-cultural associations Danilbek Saratov, Mikhail Belyaev, a member of the scientific-expert group of the APK WKR Vladimir Salov. Representatives of the regional Assembly adopted a resolution following the meeting, in which they noted the need to clarify the President's Address and conduct a specific work on its implementation.

