How many Kazakhstanis to receive preferential mortgages under new program

9 April 2024, 13:10 1036

Otbasy Bank will launch a new program with a total financing of 300 billion tenge. The program will make it possible to issue 12 thousand loans, making mortgage lending more affordable for our citizens, reports.

Within the framework of this program, preferential conditions will be provided with an interest rate of 7% for socially vulnerable segments of the population, and for all other categories of citizens - the rate will be 9%.

In 2024, it is planned to adopt the Law on Reforming Housing Policy, which provides for the creation of a full-fledged development and support institution on the basis of Otbasy Bank, which provides centralized accounting, staging and distribution of housing. Also, on the basis of Otbasy Bank, a Housing Provision Center will be created, in which all citizens, regardless of their category, can register.

This will make it possible to apply the "one-stop-shop" principle, where a digital portrait of the family will be formed for each application and fully take into account all the characteristics of the marital status of a citizen in need.

The adoption of the bill will also make it possible to introduce a single mechanism for the fair distribution of housing among all categories of citizens.

Otbasy Bank will launch a new program with a total financing of 300 billion tenge. The program will make it possible to issue 12 thousand loans, making mortgage lending more affordable for our citizens, reports.

Within the framework of this program, preferential conditions will be provided with an interest rate of 7% for socially vulnerable segments of the population, and for all other categories of citizens - the rate will be 9%.

In 2024, it is planned to adopt the Law on Reforming Housing Policy, which provides for the creation of a full-fledged development and support institution on the basis of Otbasy Bank, which provides centralized accounting, staging and distribution of housing. Also, on the basis of Otbasy Bank, a Housing Provision Center will be created, in which all citizens, regardless of their category, can register.

This will make it possible to apply the "one-stop-shop" principle, where a digital portrait of the family will be formed for each application and fully take into account all the characteristics of the marital status of a citizen in need.

The adoption of the bill will also make it possible to introduce a single mechanism for the fair distribution of housing among all categories of citizens.
