How Kazakhstanis earn a million tenge a month on farms in England

28 July 2023, 13:31 1964

Kazakhstanis are leaving to work in England to work. In social networks, they write that Kazakhstan may be the only country in Central Asia whose citizens receive work permits in England, reports.

By the way, one of the recruiting firms notes that there are so many people from our country that the queue stretched for a whole year.

Why are Kazakhstanis so eager to work? It's all about the salary. In England, you can receive a million tenge per month. At the same time, you are given a comfortable trailer with all the amenities to live.

There was a case when a Kazakh ran away from a farm to London to live as an illegal immigrant. And very soon I realized that living in London is very expensive. Renting a closet will cost a couple of thousand dollars a month. And in order not to become a homeless person, he returned to the farm," says Esen, a young guy from Astana, who works in England.

Our guys get up at 4:30 o'clock. Kazakhstanis live next to greenhouses. Judging by the staff, people with higher education work most often

All workers on the farm are supervised by overseers who forbid picking at the phone or sitting idle.

Lunch - exactly 30 minutes. In some Kazakh offices, tea drinking takes longer.

After 8 hours of work, tired Kazakhstanis go to their barracks.
