18 March 2019, 09:00 2375

Nauryz is celebrated on March 21-23 in Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries. For Kazakhstanis and residents of other countries this holiday is a symbol of spring renewal, fertility and friendship.

On this day, many people wear national costumes, and festive events are held in cities and villages. Sputnik Kazakhstan remembered the forgotten traditions and customs that were held in honor of the celebration of Nauryz.

Forgotten beliefs and rituals on Nauryz

In the olden days, before Nauryz came, people cleaned their houses and households. It was believed that if Nauryz "enters" the clean house to a good owner, then the diseases, failures, hardships bypass it.

In addition, in the distant past, this holiday began with a meeting of dawn, with an ancient ritual "Bulak korsen- kozin ash" ("If you see a spring, clear its source"). Adults, youth and children have been clearing springs and planting trees since dawn.

Also in ancient times, people believed that a person who met Nauryz in new clothes, the whole year will be satisfied.

It should be noted, before the celebration, all the vessels in the houses were filled with milk, ayran, clean water and grain. People believed that this ritual would help them attract good luck and a rich harvest.

Not everyone knows about Nir-e-Navruzi ritual.

In the distant past, this was the name given to a man who used to ride the streets on horseback during the celebration of Nauryz and amuse people with his jokes, songs and dances. He received good gifts for his work.

Forgotten races held on Nauryz

Among the forgotten games that took place during the celebrations is the barefoot race. Previously, it was believed that people who participated in the ritual race, will receive vital energy from the earth.

It should be noted that men and women took part in the sporting event. They were preparing for it all winter.

History of Nauryz celebration in Kazakhstan

According to various historical chronicles, Nauryz is one of the oldest holidays on earth. It has been celebrated for more than five thousand years as a symbol of spring and renewal of nature.
