Extended Meeting of Science and Expert Council Held at Friendship House

13 December 2019, 18:25 1648

NUR-SULTAN - An extended meeting of the Scientific-Expert Council of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan was held. The event was timed to coincide with the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was attended by Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan - Head of the Secretariat, E. Abil, Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z. Shaukenova, members of APK, Scientific and Expert Council and ethno-cultural associations, scientific and expert groups of regions and departments of APK universities, famous public figures, scientific and creative intellectuals.

In the course of the meeting, the participants considered the tasks on scientific and expert support of the APK's activity, the results of the work of the Scientific and Expert Council and the Center for the study of interethnic and inter-confessional relations in the Central Asian region, the intermediate results of the execution of the Consolidated plan of research works and the realization of the project "Ethnoses of Kazakhstan: contribution to the development of the country", as well as other organizational issues.

As it is known, this year Scientific-Expert Council of APK marked its 10th anniversary. The current anniversary year was full of various events and activities. The Assembly and its structures, including scientific-expert ones, took an active part in public and political life. It is worth noting that this meeting is the fifth in a row this year. The Council, which brings together 52 scientists, heads of research institutes and public figures, provides scientific expertise to the Assembly. In 2019, extensive work was carried out to explain the priorities of the Address of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev "Constructive public dialogue is the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan".

Summing up the results of the activity for the current year, the participants noted that during this period 24 monographs and collective works were prepared and published, more than 70 articles were published, more than 100 interviews on actual issues of public consent and national unity. Scientists and experts took an active part in scientific conferences, round tables and discussion platforms.

Expressing gratitude for the work done by the members of the Council, Deputy Chairman of APK Zhanseit Tuimebayev informed the audience about the proposals for the establishment of three groups in the Scientific-Expert Council of APK. These groups include operational, predictive and scientific-analytical support. Specialized groups are aimed at bringing new developments to the work of the SEC, as well as improving efficiency and effectiveness.

In addition, the roundtable participants identified the main priorities of scientific and analytical activities for the next year. "The first one. The year 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the APK. Within a year - the key project "People's expedition "Dear First President" which is directed on fixing in public consciousness of merits of Elbasy in construction of independent Kazakhstan, and also involvement of ethnoses in the program "Ruhani zhangyru" becomes. Second. Realization of the Address of the Head of the State "Constructive public dialogue is the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan". One of the tasks is to strengthen the role of the state language as a language of inter-ethnic communication.

The third goal is to strengthen the role of the state language as a language of inter-ethnic communication. It is extremely important for us to significantly strengthen the preparation of analytical materials on current topics in the field of inter-ethnic relations. First of all, there is a change in the ethnodemographic balance in Kazakhstani society. This puts on the agenda the expansion of the sphere of application of the state language, the revival of the national consciousness, the culture of inter-ethnic relations, interethnic distances and others. We need to study ethno-social processes. The social stratification of the society also takes place by ethnic strata, which may entail risks of ethno-social inequality. That's why we have to identify practical tasks for the scientific and expert structures of the APK to analyze these problem areas and develop specific recommendations," said Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

In addition, the deputy chairman of the APK has instructed "Kogamdyk Kelisim" RSI together with the Centre for the Study of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations, the Centre for Socio-demographic Development, the Ministry of Information and Social Development to discuss the issues of conducting sociological research on interethnic topics and to make coordinated proposals and a clear plan for the preparation of analytical materials for the next year by January 10, 2020.

It should be noted that the projects, which are carried out independently by the members of SEC, are all supported by the Council, act under the aegis of APK and are implemented directly by the representatives of SEC. In turn, the Centre for the Study of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations in the Central Asian Region carries out work in the area of research, education, training and methodological support, as well as expert and analytical support. This year's training covered 386 civil servants, 10 percent of them were members of APK. Also, social projects devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Academy on socialization of students were initiated. These projects were formed jointly with the members of SEC.
