Development of Economic cooperation between the Regions of Kazakhstan and West Java in focus of attention

2 May 2024, 12:32 2133

The investment, transit and transport potential of Kazakhstan was presented at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of West Java, cites MFA.

The event brought together representatives of the province’s business circles representing the textile, footwear, agricultural, wood-processing, chemical, medical, and automotive industries.

At the beginning of his speech, Ambassador Serzhan Abdykarimov described in detail the positive trends in the socio-economic development of Kazakhstan, the government’s active measures to attract foreign direct investment, legislative support for this process, as well as the activities of the Foreign Investors’ Council and “Kazakh Invest”.

The Kazakh diplomat focused on flexible tax conditions, benefits, and related infrastructure provided by the state to investors, including the mechanisms of the AIFC. He noted that the preferences provided contribute to the formation of a favorable investment climate in Kazakhstan, which is the best in the Central Asian region.

Kazakhstan’s transit and transport strategy was presented separately, which includes an extensive network of 13 international transport corridors, sea and land ports, as well as railways and highways. It was noted that this infrastructure provides an opportunity for Indonesian entrepreneurs to carry out trade operations with Kazakhstan and organize cargo transit between Asia and Europe.

Stressing the significant growth in trade turnover, mutual tourist trips, business and human contacts between Kazakhstan and Indonesia, the Ambassador called on the business community of West Java to actively participate in investment and trade, and economic cooperation with Kazakhstan, as well as in the future activities of the “Kazakhstan-Indonesia Business Council” being created.

Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of West Java Hadi Cokrodimejo highly appreciated the business climate of Kazakhstan and stressed the great interest of the region in cooperation with our country.

In his opinion, Kazakhstan can act as a key trade, logistics, and financial center for Indonesia in Central Asia, which is designed to attract the attention of the business community of this region.

The investment projects presented at the event and the prospects for expanding industrial and economic cooperation with Kazakhstan became the subject of intensive discussion among all participants.
