Charity New Year’s Matinee Held for Children at Friendship House

30 December 2019, 11:15 1841

NUR-SULTAN - The New Year's charitable matinee of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was held at Friendship House.

The main purpose of the charity matinee is to help children from low-income and large families, orphans, children left without parental care, and children with special needs on the eve of the New Year.

About 100 children gathered in the concert hall of the Friendship House for the New Year’s matinee. The children listened to funny stories of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Mickey Mouse and Grinch, Mignon and Iron Man with great interest. Everyone enjoyed the games and the concert program. Children experienced a sense of magic of the New Year holiday, a sense of belonging to the happy world of childhood, kindness, friendship and general fun on New Year's Eve.

And what New Year's Eve is without a gift? Every young participant of the Christmas tree received his long-awaited gift. Representatives of the capital's ethno-cultural centers warmly congratulated the children on the coming New Year.

The charity tree was held with the support of Daut Genhuzov, CEO, "OSK Stroyservice" LLP, Deputy Chairman, Ethnocultural Center "Yunchi" of the capital APK.
