Center of blood opened in Kyzylorda

25 July, 13:28 2599

The opening ceremony was attended by Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister, Tamara Duissenova, akim of the region Nurlybek Nalibayev, deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ruslan Rustemov and Nauryzbai Baikadamov, reports.

2.7 billion tenge was allocated from the republican budget for the construction of the building. The former Blood Center was located in the building of the regional multidisciplinary medical center.

"Today we are taking part in the opening ceremony of the new Blood Center. The facility, which can serve 10 thousand people a year, is of great importance for the region. Our main goal is to preserve the health of the nation. A healthy nation is a guarantee of the country's development," the Deputy Prime Minister said.

During her speech, Tamara Duissenova also spoke about the measures taken by the state in the field of healthcare. On behalf of the President, the National Project "Modernization of Rural Healthcare" is being implemented. In the next two years, it is planned to build 655 primary health care facilities in settlements. District hospitals will also be modernized.

Every year in the Kyzylorda region, more than 10 thousand residents of the region donate blood. The Center plans to prepare about 17 thousand doses of blood components at the request of medical organizations.

In addition, at the event, the heads of 11 medical facilities were gifted with 70 keys to new ambulances.
