Canadian expert community emphasized relevance of reforms in Kazakhstan

7 December 2022, 13:20 965

Canadian senators and experts took part in the expert roundtable conference, dedicated to the early presidential election’s results in Kazakhstan and implementation of large-scale reforms of Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, cites MFA.

Canadian senators Victor Oh and Jean Guy Dagenais and Parliamentary Affairs Director of the Office of Senator Victor Oh Lauren Ray participated in the event. Previously they have visited our country as independent international observers. Canadian observers stated that all the necessary conditions were created for holding open and fair election and the voting took place in accordance with national legislation and international standards.

Fellow of the leading Canadian think tank “Canadian Global Affairs Institute” Andrew Rasiulis, Senior Fellow at Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Former Ambassador of Canada to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Margaret Skok, Canada Eurasia Chamber of Commerce National Board Chairman Gilles Breton participated in the expert panel discussion.

In his remarks, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Canada Akylbek Kamaldinov informed participants about the early presidential election’s results and Action Plan’s main priorities to implement President Tokayev’s election program “Fair Kazakhstan – For All and For Everyone. Now and Forever”.

Ambassador noted that this document’s task is to ensure effective implementation of reforms aimed at further modernization of Kazakhstan society and state, and highlighted that our country has entered a qualitatively new stage in its development.

Canadian experts stressed the importance of building a “Just and Fair Kazakhstan” and ensuring such principles as political competition, further democratization, demonopolization of the economy and creating conditions for open competition.

Overall, Canadian expert community emphasized the relevance of the large-scale reforms being carried out in our country and expressed their readiness for constructive cooperation.
