22 January 2019, 06:18 2223

North-Kazakhstan regional assembly of the people of Kazakhstan has begun work on realization of image projects on advancement of winners of the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan". A total of 11 special projects are planned to be implemented.

The first of them was held on the basis of Petropavlovsk Construction and Economic College, where the motivational meeting "Zhastardyn altyn besigi" was held for students of "College of service sector" MPI, "North-Kazakhstan professional and pedagogical college", "Petropavlovsk college of railway transport", "Petropavlovsk humanitarian college named after M. Zhumabayev" with the participants of the second wave of the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan" Maria Tatarenko, Salimkhan Sabitov, as well as the head of youth policy Irina Tukhvatulina.

According to the organizers, the purpose of such meetings is to promote the Kazakhstani model of peace and public consent in the specific stories of success of Kazakhstan people.

In particular, participants of the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan" told about their achievements and plans for the future.

Salimkhan Sabitov, who became the first founder of the republic's driving school for people with disabilities, presented his project, mentioning that thanks to the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, today he is the owner of two cars and was invited to a meeting with the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Maria Tatarenko shared her experience in the field of interethnic consent with the participants of the meeting, telling about the unique organization – Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, its main directions of work and events.

In turn, Irina Tukhvatulina invited all those present to closer cooperation, presenting several interesting projects aimed at promoting youth initiatives in the region.

An interesting part of the event was the final stage in the form of questions and answers. The students had the opportunity to ask the speakers questions they were interested in.
