Astana to host World Powerlifting Championship

2 October 2024, 14:05 3565

From October 5 to October 12, 2024, Astana will host the 2024 IBSA Powerlifting and Benchpress World Championships among blind and visually impaired athletes the official website of the capital's akimat reports, reports with reference to the capital's akimat.

This landmark event will be held in Kazakhstan for the first time and will bring together the strongest athletes from different countries. 71 athletes from 9 countries will take part in the competition: Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, the Czech Republic, Israel and Kenya. A total of 130 participants are expected to arrive, including coaches, chaperones and judges.

The championship is organized by the Kazakhstan Federation of Para Powerlifting and the Kazakhstan Blind Sports Association with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Kazakhstan of Kazakhstan and the akimat of Astana.
