Assembly of people of Kazakhstan congratulates on New 2019 Year

29 December 2018, 12:53 1365

Dear compatriots!

The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan congratulates you on the coming New 2019 Year – a wonderful and warm holiday for every family.

New Year is a special holiday. It gives hope for happiness and luck, brings joy to new beginnings and achievements.

The past year has become an important stage in strengthening the social unity of the people of Kazakhstan, the history of the Great Steppe has shone with new faces, we have made another significant step towards the modernization of public consciousness.

The coming New Year is dedicated to Kazakhstani youth – the generation of strong and responsible people. Comprehensive support for young people and the institution of the family are becoming obvious priorities of state policy, a broad platform of social lifts is being created.

Our common task is to take a direct part in the processes of transformation in the country. To show an example of respect for the true values of Kazakhstan – public consent and national unity. Only they have always served and are the key to our common achievements and successes.


Dear fellow citizens!


What kind of New 2019 Year will be, depends on each of us.

Therefore, we wish you faith in yourself and your strength, good health, unquenchable energy and good luck in your good endeavors.

Let all your cherished desires, made in the New Year's Eve come true.

Let New Year increase the number of happy moments, and the fire of the family hearth warms those who are by your side!


Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
