Assembly of people of Kazakhstan congratulates on Independence day

16 December 2018, 07:11 2648

The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan congratulates you on the dear holiday to every Kazakhstan citizen’s heart – Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

This is a holiday of civil consent and national unity, shared responsibility for the present and future of the country.

We are proud of our rich history and spiritual traditions. The Great steppe gave the world horse breeding and horsemen culture, rich writing and mythology, the art of animal style and new forms of metallurgy. Here is the birthplace of the Turkic world.

Every year of Independence is a new stage in the development of the country.

The outgoing year was a year of strengthening the social foundations of unity. Five social initiatives and State of the Nation Address of President of Kazakhstan gave an additional impetus to the social modernization of society and improving the quality of life of all Kazakhstan people.

2018 year became a national celebration of the 20th anniversary of Astana, a symbol of our successes and achievements.

Dear fellow citizens!

Our creative work, unity and consent are the main support of Kazakhstan. We can solve any problem only by joining forces. This was proved by the history of our Independence.

We wish every family happiness, health, well-being and stability. May peace and mutual understanding always reign in your homes!

May our Great steppe be blessed, may our Kazakhstan prosper!


Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
