Assembly of People of Kazakhstan congratulates Kazakhstanis on the Day of the First President

1 December 2019, 00:00 1409

Dear compatriots!

We congratulate you on the national holiday of national heritage and pride - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

The history of our country and people is inseparable from the life of Nursultan Nazarbayev. Being the founder of new independent Kazakhstan, he created conditions for formation of strong civil institutes, consecutive democratization, market economy and the social state.

One of the main priorities of the state policy of the First President was to preserve interethnic harmony and unity. Thus, he turned our multi-ethnicity into the main wealth, success factor and strength of competitiveness.

Elbasy embodied the dreams of our ancestors, opened the opportunity to freely think and create, develop the native language and culture.

Today we celebrate the Day of the First President with special gratitude and deep gratitude. The first President of Kazakhstan resigned his powers ahead of schedule and ensured their peaceful transfer in full compliance with the Basic Law of the country.

This is a great merit of the First President.

The scale of his achievements and the multifaceted nature of his personality have already appreciated the time, life and people of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev is an outstanding politician at the global level. His foresight and novelty far outstripped our time.

Dear fellow citizens!

For each of us, the Day of the First President is an expression of national love and simple human gratitude.

As a true people's leader, Elbasy showed us all how to love our country, showed us the way of development, which is a great honor and our civic duty to follow.

Assembly of People of KazakhstanMay this holiday become the brightest and most memorable one in your life. We wish you peace and unity, which is tirelessly served by the wisdom of a true son of the people of Kazakhstan - Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Health and success!

Ассамблея народа Казахстана
