6 June 2019, 15:25 2706

A significant event for the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Western Kazakhstan region was the holding of the XXII session of APK WKR, during which the results of the current work and plans for the future promotion of the institute of mediation, expansion of economic cooperation with foreign investors through APK, establishment of border relations with neighboring regions of Russia were discussed. 

In XXII session of APK WKR, deputy mayor of the region Gabidolla Ospankulov, chairmen of ethno-cultural associations APK WKR, representatives of Council of Elders, Council of Mothers, science-expert council, "Qogamdyq kelisim" MPI, deputies of regional maslikhat, heads of the state bodies, representatives of political parties took part.

Gaisa Kapakov, Deputy Chairman of APK WKR, told about the work done based on the instructions of Elbasy given at the XXVII Session of the Assembly. "It is important to preserve peace and accord. For our region, these values are of special importance, as the specifics of the region are conditioned by the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional composition of the population," said G. Kapakov.

Today, the active asset of the regional Assembly includes 21 thousand people, 239 councils of public accord, more than 150 councils of elders and councils of mothers and other structures. Experience of APK WKR is approved and offered for distribution at republican level.

"Elbasy especially emphasized the efficiency of using the Assembly's potential for establishing business relations abroad, strengthening relations with border regions, creating international clubs. Our region plays a special role in this issue, as we border on five regions of the Russian Federation," said Gaisa Kapakov. 

So, within the limits of the project "Tugan zher" the festival "Borders do not divide hearts" with participation of delegation of Samara, Saratov, Orenburg regions is spent annually. It is planned to intensively develop cross-border cooperation by involving the deputy group "Yntymak". Public concord councils also play a major role in strengthening inter-ethnic relations, and it is encouraging to note that it was in West Kazakhstan that the first such council was established, and that this initiative has spread throughout Kazakhstan.

Since last year, the work of these councils has been systematized, and today they consider such issues as effective application of the budget, reduction of tariffs, and introduction of innovative technologies in the agricultural sector, Gaisa Kapakov said. As a new stage in the development of public consent councils, it is planned to create such units in residential districts of the regional center.

"WKR was one of the first in the republic to create the Union of Mediators. There are 145 mediation offices in the region, 144 public mediators' files, 15 memoranda of cooperation, including with the party "Nur Otan", departments of education, health, justice and other state bodies. At present, the work on the opening of the regional center of extrajudicial reconciliation at the regional "Qogamdyq kelisim" is carried out” said Deputy Chairman of APK WKR G. Kapakov.

It was also proposed to use the potential of the Assembly in establishing partnerships with foreign investors. The Association of Youth Entrepreneurship, headed by Bolat Sarsenov, a philanthropist, operates under the APK WKR.

"Proceeding from Elbasy's instructions, we propose the following measures: expansion of cooperation with foreign businessmen through the Association of Entrepreneurs of APK, creation of a club of friends of APK, development of business relations to attract investments into the country, creation of a project office for entrepreneurs, support of youth entrepreneurship by large business corporations” said Bolat Sarsenov in his speeches.
