APK launched a charity activity ‘Caravan of Mercy’

5 January 2019, 02:44 1610

The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan launched a charity activity "Caravan of Mercy" for 2019, aimed at supporting disadvantaged groups of population.

This year, Caravan of Mercy will be held under a single slogan "Meyirimdilikpen birlikke!". As Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan Leonid Prokopenko emphasized, the action will be devoted to a certain topic every month. For example, January will be held under the slogan "Sarkyt", February - "Sybaga", March - "Shashu", April - "Asar", etc.

"Today we are holding the first event of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan this year. We decided that every month will be held under the sign of a certain Kazakh folk custom, dedicated to charity. We start January with the charitable action "Sarkyt". This is an established tradition of our people, showing respect for everyone who comes as a guest, a sign of gratitude. Giving sarkyt to a loved one is to share joy and happiness, warmth and care. Within a month, the actions dedicated to the support of socially vulnerable categories of citizens will be organized by regional assemblies in the House of Friendship in the capital and across the country," Head of Secretariat said.

Leonid Prokopenko noted that last year 8700 charitable events were held within the framework of "Caravan of Mercy", 400 thousand people received assistance for the total amount of more than 2.5 billion tenge. 78 patrons of art were awarded APK’s breastplate "Zhomart Zhan", which was specially established by the Assembly’s Council.

As part of the charity event, aksakals and elders of the capital's ethno-cultural associations held national ceremonies "Besik toi" and "Tusau kesu" for children from "Mother's House" in Astana.

During the action, activists of the national youth movement of APK "Zhangyru Zholy" distributed gift bags to the beneficiaries, including large and low-income families.


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