Apartment rent falls in price in Astana and Almaty

29 December 2023, 12:01 4280

In 2023, rental prices in Kazakhstan changed slightly, El.kz reports with reference to Krisha.kz.

From January to April, rents fell in price: -3.5%. From May to September, it rose in price: +12.8% compared to January. Since October, prices have been declining again.

In December, prices declined. Apartment rentals have fallen in price by 2%.

The decrease occurred in 8 out of 13 cities.

Rent has become cheaper:

In Uralsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk: -6% each;

Shymkent: -5%;

Atyrau, Kostanay: -3% each;

Almaty, Karaganda: -2% each;

Astana: -1%.

In Aktau, Pavlodar, Kokshetau, prices have not changed.

At the same time, in Petropavlovsk and Aktobe, rates increased by 1 and 2%, respectively.

The most expensive rent in Almaty: 5.7 thousand tenge per 1 sq. m.

The cheapest is in Aktau: 2.5 thousand tenge.

The average price in the Republic of Kazakhstan is 3.2 thousand tenge.

Negative dynamics may be observed further, in the coming months.

As of December 26, the average rate in Kazakhstan is 4.5% higher than in January.

Interestingly, the reduction in rates since January has occurred only in Almaty. In most cities, prices have risen between 3% and 14%. In Astana, the rent of an apartment is 3.9 thousand tenge per square meter.

Renting a one-room apartment in Astana will cost 160 thousand, a two-room apartment - 220 thousand, and a three-room apartment - 350 thousand tenge. In Almaty, prices start from 200 thousand tenge, 320 and 400 thousand tenge, respectively.
