Alla Chechetkina: Volunteering is State of Mind

31 March 2020, 14:37 2522

Alla Chechetkina, a representative of the Moldovan ethnos, during the XXVII session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan struck everyone with her speech in Kazakh.

Then, at the session, she told how she had learned the Kazakh language.

I grew up in the village of Tasty, Amangeldy district, Kostanay region and studied at a Kazakh school. Thanks to her teacher, I felt the peculiarity and dignity of the Kazakh language. And now I am studying at Kostanay State University named after Akhmet Baitursynov majoring in "Journalism" for master’s degree.

Alla Chechetkina addressed to the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev:

Your statement: "Kazakhs must speak Kazakh language with each other" is my life goal. I grew up eating Kazakh bread and water, so first of all I call on you to respect the Kazakh language." If we do not speak the state language, if we do not try to know the language, will all this mean that we are developing our independent country? I call on all my fellow citizens to know, love and speak Kazakh language in their lives. I would also like to see Kazakh education not forgotten in today's world. It was shame in our village when a girl walked down the street late at night. Therefore, I would like my sisters to follow these principles even now," the representative of the Moldovan ethnos said.

Alla tells the following about herself:

- I was born in the village in an ordinary Moldovan family. My parents had to work hard to feed us: my sister, brother and me. My sister graduated from school and moved to live in another city early. My brother was taken into the army. I remember my childhood... Times were hard. My father used to teach me how to work since I was a child. He was very strict. Already in the fourth grade, I could cook my own meals, milk cows, carry water with flasks, graze rams, wash and clean my house. In our village in the 97s there were many Russians. In the school where I studied there were mixed classes. In the beginning my parents enrolled me to a Russian class. Then I made some Kazakh friends who I didn't understand, they spoke Russian not well. I often went to their house to visit them. They loved me very much and called me tenderly: "Bizdin sary kyzymyz" (‘Our fair girl’). They invited me for a common dastarkhan and sipped me a delicious, real Kazakh tea. I remember Kumis Azhe (“azhe” – “granny”) well. She always sat in the center of the hall – 'tor'. She called me to her place. She sat me on her knees, rocked me, stroked me on the head and while I was looking at her silver ornaments (‘sakina’, ‘bilezik’, ‘alka’) sang to me Abai's songs "Kozimnin Qarasy", "Aittym Sagan, Qalamqas" and other Kazakh folk compositions. And my great love for Kazakh people, language and traditions started from there. My parents had to give me to the Kazakh class. Thus, I graduated from the Kazakh school. In the beginning it was very difficult to study. But persistence and hard work gave great results. I began to take part in many competitions and Olympiads. I became the winner of district, city, regional and national competitions. I loved creativity: singing, reading poetry, dancing and sports competitions did not pass me by.

Alla Chechetkina is studying at Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay State University for a master's degree in journalism. We also asked her to share what is her choice of profession connected with.

"Since childhood I dreamed of becoming a news presenter. When I finished the 11th grade my parents insisted that I study at a Faculty of Foreign Languages. I applied for a grant at Altynsarin Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. And at the beginning of the academic year at one of the events where I was a presenter I was noticed and invited to work as an announcer in Kazakh language on the city channel "Arka Didary". I immediately gave my agreement. I really liked to work there. I learned a lot of interesting things about journalism there. I studied at Foreign languages Department for 1.5 years and realized that I want to realize my dream. I transferred to Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay State University to the Humanitarian and Social Faculty at the Department of Journalism and Communication Management with Kazakh language of instruction. So I got a job on regional television as a presenter" Alla said.

We also asked Alla to share her impressions on participation at the XXVII session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan chaired by the First President of Kazakhstan is held once a year and it is a very important and significant event. Every speaker at the session is a person with outstanding achievements and it is not so easy to be chosen for it.

"Well, I would like to thank Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan for the opportunity to deliver my speech at the forum of high importance. I approached my introduction very responsibly. In my report I spoke about importance of the state language, tradition and education of the Kazakh people. My excitement is difficult to convey in words. But when I went out to the podium and met with the First President of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, all my excitement disappeared somewhere. Nursultan Abishevich supported me during my speech, addressed me by name, asked me questions, and the support of the hall with applause gave me more confidence. The First President has an incredible energy. I am infinitely grateful to our Elbasy for what we have now" she says. 

Alla, being an active person, news presenter and master student at University has a lot of plans for this year. "I have big plans for this year. I have a master's thesis coming up. I am getting ready for it. I have a big dream of getting a diploma and in the future working in the city of Nur-Sultan" says Alla. 

Also Alla shared in what events she plans to participate in. "Usually I take part in all kinds of regional, republican events."

Last year President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced 2020 as a Year of Volunteer.

"I have declared 2020 the Year of Volunteer in Kazakhstan. It will be a time of good deeds in the country. I call on all people, regardless of age, and especially you, the participants in the presidential reserve, to take a direct part in implementing the activities of the Year of Volunteer. They used to be called volunteers or people of good will. The UN estimates that up to one billion people around the world devote their time to volunteering. Volunteering contributes almost 2.5% to world GDP. You could share your knowledge and experience with students, pupils of rural schools," Tokayev appealed to the youth. In this regard, we wanted to know, what is Alla’s attitude to the Year of Volunteers, is she involved in volunteering.

- My attitude to volunteering and Year of Volunteers is very positive! I like to help people. Usually I do it without any announcement. For example, I often work as a host of charity concerts, get paid to buy food (sugar, tea, sweets, cookies, rice, etc.) just walk down the street and give old people bags of food. One could say that volunteering is a state of mind. There is no need to be shy and wait for a special occasion to do good deeds.

Reading is also a must for future journalists, so we asked Alla to tell about her favourite books.

-I read quite a lot of literature. There's no certain favorite book and no hero. In my spare time I read works by Mukhtar Auezov, Mukagali Makatayev, Olzhas Suleimenov, Gabit Musirepov, Myrzhakyp Dulatov. At the moment I study scientific literature related to my specialty.

Alla told what inspires her and how she gets inspiration.

-Inspiration... for each person, that word means in its own way. I am motivated and inspired by success, positive and sport.

She also told where she sees herself in five years.

- In 5 years I see myself in the city of Nur-Sultan, happy wife and mother, news announcer of the republican television channel "Kazakhstan" or "Khabar".

Being a representative of Moldovan ethnos and a speaker at the session, we asked Alla what is the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan means to her.

"Kazakhstan is a multinational country. We live in peace and friendship. All ethnic groups have the same opportunities to realize cultural traditions and customs. The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan is the wings of our unity, our multi-ethnic state. Thanks to the Assembly, I have many friends of other nationalities all over Kazakhstan, and I am very happy about it."
