About 700 medical facilities to open for rural residents in Kazakhstan

22 November 2022, 14:32 632

Plans to implement the national project "Modernization of rural healthcare" were considered at the Government session chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Alikhan Smailov, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

Minister of Healthcare Azhar Giniyat reported that today about 8 million people live in rural areas, which is about 41% of the population of the country. More than 5,000 medical organisations provide medical assistance to rural residents. In addition, special mobile units, medical trains and air ambulances are used.

On instructions from the Head of State, a national project to modernize rural health care is being formulated, which includes three key areas: 1) developing the medical infrastructure through the construction of feldsher-midwife stations and outpatient clinics; 2) establishing a network of modern multi-district hospitals with modern equipment; and 3) staffing rural health care institutions with qualified personnel.

As a result of the implementation of the national project it is planned to improve accessibility of preventive examinations, screenings, first emergency, specialized and high-tech medical care for rural residents, and to reduce mortality from circulatory system diseases, etc.

The Prime Minister said that the improvement of the healthcare services in villages requires the modernization of the entire infrastructure. In this respect, 655 primary healthcare facilities will be built and rehabilitated, 12 existing district hospitals will be renewed, and 20 new ones will be opened. At the same time, medical facilities will also be built as part of other projects. For example, Auyl - El Besigi project.

"In total, about 700 medical facilities will be opened for rural residents. For this, local executive bodies need to promptly provide land and think through the issue of utility connections," Alikhan Smailov said.

He said the National Project also stipulates integrating rural healthcare organisations into a unified information system and introducing new technologies, which will improve the quality of local medical services.

Alikhan Smailov noted that another important aspect is to solve the problem of staff shortages and improving the qualification of medical staff in the villages.

"I want to draw the attention of regional Akims to the need to address issues of social support for medical personnel arriving in rural areas. Young professionals should be interested in coming to the villages, to improve their skills and work in peace," Prime Minister stressed.

He added that all measures envisaged in the project would improve the availability of high-quality medical services in rural areas and instructed the Ministry of Healthcare, together with the relevant government agencies and Akimats to ensure their timely implementation
