A good start is given

31 January 2018, 10:02 1308

A meeting of the Mothers' Council of the district was held in the center of friendship of the Zerendinsky district. The meeting was attended by members of the council of mothers of rural districts and the chairman of the Council of Mothers at the Akmola regional assembly of the people of Kazakhstan Zere Kiikova.

In her speech, the head of the domestic policy department Klara Sagindykova dwelled in detail on the main points of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan, noting that the Message defines for all of us and for the country as a whole new ways and opportunities to overcome global challenges. There is no doubt that under the leadership of our Elbasy all the priority tasks of the country's development will be successfully implemented.

Chairman of the Council of Mothers of the Akmola APK Zere Kiikova spoke about the activities of the regional council for 2017. A lot has been done: round tables, master classes, excursions to sacred places, charitable actions, lectures and talks within the framework of the project of the Mothers' Council "Kiz tarbiesi-ult tarbiesi". The plan of activity of the regional council for 2018 was drawn up and consistently implemented

Kulyash Rakhimzhanova, member of society "Kazakh tili men madenietі" active board member of the Mothers Zerenda district summed up the meeting and expressed dodge that such meetings are very necessary and important. All participants in the round table agreed that they should be held as often as possible. The vectors of movement and development of the Council of Mothers have been determined, and a good start has been given.
