22 students from China arrive at Kozybayev University to exchange experience in agro-industry

26 August 2024, 14:05 907

As part of the official visit of Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Kazakhstan, a historic agreement was signed on the opening of the Kazakh-Chinese Center for Agricultural Science and Education,El.kz reports.

This center was created by the joint efforts of the "Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin" JSC, North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev, Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry of China. The center will become a unique platform for the transfer of advanced agricultural technologies and the training of highly qualified personnel for the agro-industrial complex.

12 bachelors and 10 undergraduates from the North-Western University of Agriculture and Forestry (Yanling, China) arrived at Kozybayev University as part of the academic mobility program. For three months, they will acquire practical skills at the leading livestock enterprises of the North Kazakhstan region and receive theoretical training in specialized disciplines.

"Our university confirms the phased joint cooperation with the North-West University of Agriculture and Forestry. I hope that the time you spend in Petropavlovsk will be useful, you will improve your knowledge and gain experience working on our farms," said Chairman of the Board-Rector at Kozybayev University.

Cooperation between the two universities contributes to the active exchange of knowledge and technologies, which has a positive effect on the development of the agro-industrial complex. Students gain invaluable international experience, improve their skills, and learn about the advanced technologies and methods applied in China.
