‘Art without Borders’ Exhibition Held in Friendship House

28 October 2019, 10:26 1608

NUR-SULTAN - The opening ceremony of the International exhibition "Art without borders" took place in the capital's House of Friendship. The event was organized by the Public Association "Kyrgyzstan-Astana" of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Nur-Sultan together with the Eurasian Creative Guild (London).

The exhibition presents creative works by artists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. Some of these works were executed in the framework of the International Plein Air, held on the coast of Issyk-Kul in 2019. In May this year, an international plein-air was organized for Kazakhstani artists - members of the Eurasian Art Guild. In addition, paintings by artists - members of the Eurasian Creative Guild of London - were presented to the attention of visitors.

Most of the exposition is represented by beautiful landscapes of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Among them are panoramic views of the native landscapes of artists Marlan Nysanbayev, Akhmet Akhat, Nazigul Ibrayeva, Dina Gaitova, Maisa Iklasova and others. Along with this, the works of Lidiya Drozdova, Altyn Kisamidenova, Samal Sultankulova and other artists, whose works are presented at the international exhibition "Art without borders", were presented.

Compositions and landscapes reflect the beauty of Kazakhstan. Works of artists are presented in techniques of oil, acrylic and watercolor painting. Except works of professional masters at the exhibition there are presented works of beginning artists. Visitors of the event appreciated the highly artistic works of modern painters. The international exhibition will last until the end of this year.
