“Kazakhstan Is My Second Motherland”

28 Қараша 2014, 06:26

The friendship of the intellectual representatives of the Kazakh and Tajik communities have been playing a major part in their mutually beneficial interethnic relations for many centuries.

The friendship of the intellectual representatives of the Kazakh and Tajik communities have been playing a major part in their mutually beneficial interethnic relations for many centuries. In June 1957, I was lucky enough to see Mukhtar Auezov. The 250th anniversary of the great poet Togolok Muldo was being celebrated. The guests were staying in the House of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan. It was I, a young poet possessing no knowledge nor famous, who headed the Tajik Literature Section. The literary scholar Rasul Khadizad accompanied me. He was older than I was and more mature too. On our first day, Mukhtar Auezov invited us to share his meal. At tea, he told us, “My dear Tajiks, give me the joy of gazals by Khafiz Hilali”.  We did as much as we could. Studying his face, I could see that is was glowing like the face of the moon; it was radiant; he was thoughtful. I often see his wise face. It was the face of the Kazakh nation.

Our friendship, international and interethnic nation, has been growing stronger in overcoming obstacles and covering long ways.

So let it last forever!

 Konaat Mumin

National Poet of Tajikistan


My childhood connects me to Tajikistan. I remember everything – the smell of apricot and peach blossom, the chill of mountain wind, the jingly brooks, and the tired peasant hands.

Kazakhstan is my second homeland. I have spent most of my life here. I will love both countries with my whole soul. I still cannot tell which is closer to me now. It would be very much like asking a child which parent he or she likes more. I would like to share a lucid memory of old days.

...It was about 20 years ago. My mother was badly ill, so I went to Gissar District, where I was born. Tajikistan was celebrating its 60th anniversary. Everything was sheer blossom and fest. My father and I took Mother from Gissar to a hospital in Dushanbe. In spite of the season, it was snowing hard on that day. I did not understand how generous and warm the natural gift back then. Father and I were watching a live TV broadcast from the concert hall where the celebration was taking place. The guests were invited to the Presidium. Some had come from Uzbekistan, Kirgizia, Moscow. At some point, I saw the familiar face of Nursultan Nazarbayev. He was he Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR. Somehow, I could not resist saying the word “our”. We listened to the speakers attentively.

As I was listening to Nursultan Nazarbayev, I suddenly felt that I loved the distant Kazakhstan as much as I loved my homeland, Tajikistan. It must have been my Oriental upbringing what prevented me from letting my sentiment show, but I was very special, and I could feel it with my whole being. Each single word excited me. The rest of the speakers began by saying “Dear comrades” or “Dear friends”, but Mr. Nazarbayev said, “Dear Tadjik brothers and sisters.” I still find it moving. I cannot ever forget his words, “Leninabad smothered in apricot blossom”, “the blue Pamir Mountains”, “snow white cotton fields.” Unlike the rest of the speakers, Nursultan Nazarbayev focused his speech on the cultural and spiritual development of Tajikistan. I still have his words on my mind. Having uttered such phrases as “the ancient Tajik land”, “the legendary Rudaki and Avicenna”, and “the sun-gifted republic”, he quoted the famous Mirzo Ursunzade:

“Forever melted to a family,

We glorify our Motherland as one,

We glorify our friendship, our nation,

And our way of piece and accomplishment.”

Hearing this, my father said complacently, “He is obviously a very learned man”. At that moment, I felt utterly happy for the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

Dilbar Dadokhanovna,

Founder and councilor of the Zheti Zhargy Publishing House


We come to live in Kazakhstan on various occasions and for various reasons. We have come to love the land as much as we love our homeland. Our children have grown up here. Their idea of Motherland and home is closely related to this land.  Most of us have mastered the Kazakh language. We have come to accept the national traditions and customs. We are now familiar with Kazakh epic literature and music. We have learned to cook the national dishes.  It has been coming natural to us because the two nations share some aspects of their culture. We love and respect the land greatly. Everyone is just like us here. Sometimes when we happen to hear Tajik melodies or come across pictures of familiar places and objects, we feel excited.

May our friendship last forever!

Salomat Nazarova,


 Anuar Zhumabayev
