
The Karachay Pride

Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed the nation to suggest solutions to numerous issues which people find problematic, including those related to language.
28.11.2014 06:56 4059

The Karachay Pride

Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed the nation to suggest solutions to numerous issues which people find problematic, including those related to language. He emphasized the fact that the number of representatives of other ethnic groups who speak the official language fluently had grown in Kazakhstan. “It is our purpose to  have 80% of Kazakhstani citizens speaking the official language fluently by 2017; by 2020 the percentage should be at least 95%. In 10 more years, 100% of school graduates will have mastered the official language.” The famous athlete Islam Bayramukov is one of those who have fully mastered the official language and face no problem in expressing their opinion in Kazakh on television, radio, and even in a live television broadcast. One cannot but admire Islam’s clear and neat Kazakh speech as well as his patriotic heart. He is always thankful to the Kazakh nation and never fails to prove his love for the country and its land by making significant contributions to Kazakstani sports. It is a feature of a true man.

Islam Bayramukov, born on June 12, 1971, Kamenka, Lugovoy District,  Jambyl Region. Karachay. Silver medal in Greko-Roman wrestling, Sidney Olympics. Two Cups of Asia. 2000 Champion of Asia. Two-time East Asian Games Champion. Multiple Champion of Kazakhstan. He quit in 2004 to teach. Bayramukov is currently working as a chief coach in freestyle wrestling, sharing his knowledge and skills with young people, providing education and upbringing for the rising generation.

Islam Bayramukov is famous not only as an athlete but has obtained higher education in Economy and Law. In a manner of speaking, our brother, who has three diplomas, is an all-rounder.

As a child, he began to play football. Another hobby of Islam is boxing. As there were no boxing schools in is village, he entered Kazhymukan Sports School in Almaty.

Being a book lover, the athlete admires works by the Kirgiz writer Chingiz Aytmatov greatly. “The Nomads” by Ilyas Yesenberlin and historical works also speak to him. Besides, Islam is devoted to race horse training.  He is good at kokpar and baiga.

In spite of Islam Bayramukov’s belonging to a different ethnical group, we all are proud of his fluent Kazakh and profound knowledge of Kazakh customs and traditions.  A man like this learning and admiring our language is an example to follow. Once, as I was surfing the Internet, I came across a TV program starring Islam Bayramukov. Its title was Men Qazaqpyn. He said that one should begin to study Kazak with one’s family; in fact, one should take the language in with one’s mother milk. He was saying that the reason he could speak Kazakh so fluently was his country childhood – his friends from the village spoke Kazakh.  Quite remarkably, he did not know what his nationality was before he had turned six. The reason might be the Kazakh hospitality – these people treat everybody fairly.

Today, Islam Bayramukov is one of the jury of a TV program. He says that he has learned much from cooperation with such famous people as Tungyshbay Zhamankulov, Zhenis Yskakova, and Mayra Mukhamedkyzy. He feels that he has acquired an experience in learning to speak the pure and deep words of the Kazakh language. According to the athlete, the language will live forever as long as the aul exists, as all country people speak Kazakh.

He believes interest to be the only prerequisite for learning a language. One who, belonging to a different ethnic group, can speak the official language, is and educated citizen of one’s country and has a love for one’s Motherland, has ample prospects. Islam feels that no obstacles matter if one wants to rise to eminence in one’s country of residence as soon as one can speak the language of the state, respects its traditions, and believes oneself to be its true citizen. Besides, it is his conviction that no victory can exist without love for one’s Motherland, without patriotic feelings.

 Islam Bayramukov is a Karachay famous all around the country and an outstanding and generally admired person, a social activist, and an example to follow.

 Assem Zharymbekova

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