
Georgian Cuisine

Georgian Cuisine
25.11.2014 05:22 4818

Georgian Cuisine

At present, the Kazakh land has become the home and a golden cradle for many nationalities living in harmony, unity, consent, and solidarity. According to President Nazarbayev’s message, in which he addresses the people, “Kazakhs and other ethnic communities within our country have been able to preserve their authentic cultures in spite of the hardships of tsarist rule, revolutionary turmoil, and totalitarian regime. The Georgians are one of these communities. First Georgian Culture Centers in Kazakhstan opened back in 2007. They provide information concerning the traditional culture and literature and Georgian customs preserned. Georgian national dishes are one of the highlights of the traditional culture. Quite naturally, we do think about food before going on a trip. So meet Georgian cuisine.

Georgian cuisine is very special in the culinary aspect. Its dishes have a unique taste. He basics include mutton muzhuzhi, chanakhi, beef kharcho, and chakhokhbili, which is most often cooked with chicken or turkey.  The most popular vegetable ingredients are beans, eggplants, cauliflower, beetroot, and tomatoes.

Hot and Cold Dishes

Cold Georgian dishes include lobio, which is cooked of kidney beans, and pkhali made of beet leaves, spinach, and young nettles.  The usual way to cook eggplants is by seasoning them with nuts and garlic. The only type of mushrooms used to cook cold dishes is khis soko. The most famous hot Georgian dish is kuchmashi. However, the traditional cuisine contains numerous beetroot and eggplant based hot dishes. Green pepper, green tomatoes, cabbage, cheese, sulugui cheese, and such herbs as cilantro, basil, and estragon are most popular dietary  staples.


Kharcho, chikhirtma, khashi, and matsoni soups are the most famous Georgian soups. Khashi is very fatty and dense. The broth is made of beef shank and umbles. The soup is served with chopped garlic and dried lavash.



Georgian cuisine shows an abundance of hot and bitters sauces. For instance, there are many types of adjika sauce, which is made of hot pepper, tkemali (made of prunes), and satsebeli (made of tomatoes and sweet pepper with spices).

Georgian festive sauce is called bazhi. It is made of walnut, garlic, and grape vinegar.  It is served to mutton, beef, and fish dishes. Kindz dzmari is served specifically with boiled whitefish. Kindz is the Georgian for cilantro, while dzmari means vinegar. To cook the sauce, you chop cilantro, add salt according to your taste, and pour grape vinegar over it.

Meat Dishes

Khinkali (large and delicious dumplings seasoned with ground black pepper) are the most famous of Georgian meat dishes.  You eat it with your fingers. It is mostly served as the main dish. People celebrate khinklaoba, that is, the khinkali holiday.

The most widely known festive dish is satsivi, which is cooked  of turkey or chicken, seasoned with walnut and herbs, and served with cold stew. Gochi is a popular pork roast.

 The most famous everyday dish is odzhakhuri, which is made of roast meat and potatoes, along with  chakapuli. The latter is fresh young meat cooked with herbs and greens.


Georgian everyday bread, or bukhari, is mchadi corn bread, which is cooked in tandoor oven, in special ceramic pans, unsalted, and lavash. Unsalted corn porridge, or gomi, is sometimes served instead of bread.

Besides, cheese khachapuri, achma, and meat kudbari are popular types of tandoor bread.

Another well-known type of sweet tandoor bread is kada. All types of sweet tandoor bread are generally called namtskhvari.


Georgian sweets include gozinaki brittle made of roasted nuts and coagulated honey, candle-shaped churchkhella, which is made of cooked grape juice and nuts, filled kada buns made with butter, sugar, and roasted flour, and thick pelamushi kissel, or jelly made of grape juice which is best when cold, and many more.  


The basic Georgian drink is wine. Wine production is of special importance for Kazakhstani Georgians as well as for the people of Georgia. In a manner of speaking, it is a trade passed from generation to generation. There are several types of wine. Red wine is the most popular. The group includes such wines as Khvanchkara, Saperavi, Mukuzani, and Kindzmarauli; Tsinandali, Tvishi, and Rkatsiteli are white wines.

Elyenora Amir

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