
Facts and Arguments

Facts and Arguments
25.11.2014 05:10 3361

Facts and Arguments

The Head of the State once said, “On my darkest days, my nation and the friendship between the numerous ethnic communities of Kazakhstan are my support. We should cherish our political and social stability, interethnic unity, respects, and amity so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy them!” In this respect, the Assembly plays a major role in maintaining national unity. In the course of history, many ethnic groups came to Kazakhstan. Some of them are Uyghurs, Dungans, Tatars, Bashkirs, Balkars, Chechens, Ingushes, and Kalmyks.  The following data (as of 2014) is an evidence to it:

Almaty Region: Russians – 303,617, Uyghurs – 150,820, Turkish people – 36,677.

Ethnic cultural unions: 71. 

Akmola Region: Russians – 35.2%, Ukrainians – 5%, Germans – 3.6%, Tatars – 1.8 %.

Ethnic cultural unions: 44.

Aktobe Region: Russians – 101,929, Ukrainians – 24,306, Tatars – 93,83, Germans – 5,532, Moldavians – 1,428, Koreans – 1,477, Azerbaijanis – 1,058, Bashkirs – 769, Bulgarians – 681, Uzbeks – 894, Armenians – 481.

Ethnic cultural unions:  18. 

Atyrau Region: Russians – 33.6 thousand, Koreans – 2.9 thousand, Tatar-Bashkirs – 2.3 thousand, Uzbeks – 1.1 thousand.

Ethnic cultural unions: 17.

West Kazakhstan Region: over 90 large ethnic groups: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, And Belarusians.

Ethnic cultural unions:  33.

Jambyl Region: Dungans – 49,750, Turkish people – 31,657, Uzbeks – 26,091, Kurds – 14,286, Azerbaijanis – 11,723, Koreans – 9,535, Tatars – 9,126, Kyrgyz – 8,874, Germans – 4,415, Ukrainians – 4,230, Uyghurs – 2,659, Chechens – 2,259, Greeks – 1,034. Other ethnic groups – 4,955.

Ethnic cultural unions:  18.

Kostanay Region: Russians – 43%, Ukrainians – 9.6%, Germans – 3.2%, Tatars – 1.9%, Koreans – 0.4%.

Ethnic cultural unions: 18.

Kyzylorda Region: Russians – 15,839, Koreans – 8,120, Tatars – 1,742, Turkish people – 1,511, Uzbeks – 1,362, Chechens – 801, Ukrainians – 393.

Ethnic cultural unions: 11.

Mangystau Region: Russians – 39,528, Azerbaijanis – 5,326, Ukrainians – 2,135, Uzbeks – 1,924, Lezgians – 1,912, Tatars – 1,724, Karakalpaks – 1,501, Armenians – 1,069.

Ethnic cultural unions:  20.

North Kazakhstan Region: Russians –  292,450, Ukrainians – 27,549, Germans – 20,658, Poles – 13,331, Tatars – 12,700, Belarusians – 6,339, Azerbaijanis – 1,576, Armenians – 1,317, Chuvashes – 808, Chechens – 636, Ingushes – 769, Bashkirs – 741, Latvians, Lithuanians – 674, Other ethnic groups – 6,455.

Ethnic cultural unions: 22.

East Kazakhstan Region: Russians – 568 thousand, Tatars – 17,700, Germans – 14 thousand. Other ethnic groups – 4.5 thousand.

Ethnic cultural unions:  9.

It was our people and the consent and friendship between the numerous communities of which our nation consists of what helped us stay independent in times of anxiety and challenge. It is a common fact that prosperity and welfare favor friendship and concord.  Our people say, “Life is where unity is.” Therefore, may our unity last forever!


Elyenora Amir

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